Airport : Biarritz, France               District map






Hendaye, Irun, St-Jean-Pied-de-Port, St-Etienne-de-Baigorry

local connections



Trains to Hendaye and Irun pick up at both Bayonne and Biarritz stations roughly hourly taking about three-quarters of an hour.

Trains to St-Jean-Pied-de-Port with bus connections to St-Etienne-de-Baigorry run infrequently from Bayonne, each destination taking about an hour.

Train times at SNCF


Bus 6 links the airport with Biarritz town centre, Bayonne town centre and Bayonne station once or twice an hour on Mon-Sat and bus C runs hourly on Sundays. Details at STAB


There is no direct link to Biarritz station (not far away, but walking not recommended as it’s a busy road with no sidewalk) – better take a taxi, or bus 6 towards Biarritz and connect to bus 2.


Alternatively, ATCRB coaches pick up on the main road at the junction of the airport access road (Parme) and run to St-Jean-de-Luz with connections to Hendaye.  Here are route map and 2005/6 timetable.


city information



Biarritz – fashionable resort

Bayonne – ancient Basque capital

St-Jean-de-Luz – beach resort, yacht harbour


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